The preparation for Koh Tao, Thailand

It has been awhile since my last post. No new entries when there was no new trip. How sad it was. Now, I'm getting excited about my new trip. Some people might think I'm crazy but do I really care?

When I came back to office since my previous EL, I was an email stated that the company is off for holiday from 21st Dec 2013 - 1 Jan 2014. Most of the employees are flying back to India. I never thought to have any plan before this when there is no more leave has left for me. No budget as well.

Suddenly, this idea came across my mind. Initially I wanted to take train from KL to Bangkok. However, the political issues in Bangkok seems to be worsen and I have to change the route based on the time and budget. So here is the route: KL-Penang-Butterworth-Surathani-Koh Samui-Surathani-Butterworth-Penang-KL.

It was a good plan, I believe. The only problem is I cannot buy the train ticket, but have to walk in to the ticket counter which is in Penang and Butterworth. I have to ask for my friend's help to buy it for me. When you ask for someone's help, definitely you have to wait for their availability. Finally she bought the ticket through his brother. 

Unfortunately, ticket for 21st Dec was sold out. We have no choice than to buy on 22nd Dec. The lower berth are sold out and we have no choice to take the upper berth but with cheaper price, RM89.90. It makes the whole plan changed. I already bought flight ticket from KL to Penang on 21st Dec and return on 25th Dec. I bought it separately but seems like I have to extend my stay at Koh Samui. I feel sorry for my new friend, Sopek that his leave is only until 25th Dec and it is not possible to extend his stay. 

I decided to extend my stay and bought AirAsia flight ticket directly from Surathani Airport to KL for on RM92. Then, I started to look for domestic transportation to go to Koh Samui. I already booked hotel on 23rd and will be staying there as soon as I reach Surahtani and a hostel for 2 nights at Koh Samui. I plan to go to Koh Tao when I heard that most of the dive sites will be at Koh Tao. There is also a view point at Koh Tao and I have to hike to see Koh Ngayuan, a small island that connected to Koh Tao.

My plan keep on changing and changing. I have to study the ferry schedule very carefully to make sure that I will be there on time, with affordable cost, and return to Surathani safely to catch my flight. It seems not easy because most of the ferry website are not very helpful.

After few weeks of research, I finally completed my itinerary as below. Tadaaa...

I will write more after the trip is completed. Till then..


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